Search Remittances

This section includes user to obtain and display remittance advice detail based upon a paid claim. This page allows user to search for (and generate) a list of paid claims. A Remittance Advice (RA) will only display when a check has been issued. Remittance Advice Search allows staff & providers to search for claim payment information. If a provider/health plan user clicks on field ‘Check No’ then a PDF document is opened containing the information as explained in the remittance advice detail.

Aetna Search Remittances Help

  1. Allows the Provider to search for Member/ Provider Information.
  2. Member ID: Enter Member ID.
  3. Servicing Provider Name: Select appropriate servicing provider name from drop down list.
  4. Claim ID: Enter Claim ID.
  5. Choose either DOS Date Range or Claim Paid Date range. DOS stands for date of Service.
  6. Date From: The Date from which the user wants to view all remittances.
  7. Date To: The Date to which the user wants to view all remittances.
  8. Select this button to view results. If there are no results matching the search criteria, the message 'No results found' is displayed to the user. If a health plan user 'Search' without specifying any search criteria, then all remittances information will be displayed.
  9. Select this button to reset the selected search criteria.
  10. View the results in "Search results". Result set will display 20 records for each page and use page navigation button for the next set of results. A Remittance Advice (RA) will only display when a check has been issued. Remittance Advice Search allows staff to search for claim payment information. If a health plan user click on hyperlink ‘Check No’ then a PDF document will be opened having the detailed payment information on a selected claim. User can print a copy of the information by clicking the Printer Friendly Format icon. Payment information is read-only information for a specific remittance advice number.