This section includes user to obtain and display remittance advice detail based upon a paid claim. This page allows user to search for (and generate) a list of paid claims. A Remittance Advice (RA) will only display when a check has been issued. Remittance Advice Search allows staff & providers to search for claim payment information. If a provider/health plan user clicks on field ‘Check No’ then a PDF document is opened containing the information as explained in the remittance advice detail.
- Allows the Provider to search for Member/ Provider Information.
- Member ID: Enter Member ID.
- Servicing Provider Name: Select appropriate servicing provider name from drop down list.
- Claim ID: Enter Claim ID.
- Choose either DOS Date Range or Claim Paid Date range. DOS stands for date of Service.
- Date From: The Date from which the user wants to view all remittances.
- Date To: The Date to which the user wants to view all remittances.
- Select this button to view results. If there are no results matching the search criteria, the message 'No results found' is displayed to the user. If a health plan user 'Search' without specifying any search criteria, then all remittances information will be displayed.
- Select this button to reset the selected search criteria.
- View the results in "Search results". Result set will display 20 records for each page and use page navigation button for the next set of results. A Remittance Advice (RA) will only display when a check has been issued. Remittance Advice Search allows staff to search for claim payment information. If a health plan user click on hyperlink ‘Check No’ then a PDF document will be opened having the detailed payment information on a selected claim. User can print a copy of the information by clicking the Printer Friendly Format icon. Payment information is read-only information for a specific remittance advice number.